Common Indoor Elephant Ear Plant Problems and How to Solve Them

If you think about growing elephant ear plant, then you should know about indoor elephant ear plant problems. Just like other plants, elephant ear plant is prone to fungal and insect attacks. Not to mention that wrong climate, wrong growing condition, and wrong treatments can lead to your plant refusing to grow properly. So, what should you know about the elephant ear plant?

Understanding More about Elephant Ear Plant

Elephant ear plant is a tropical plant that can be found easily in the wild. As long as it gets enough sun and water, the plant can grow healthy and well. It can even be invasive, causing issues to other plants. This invasive plant will rob other plants’ resources, like water, sun, and air.

This plant is ideally planted outdoor. But it’s still possible to plant it indoor, provided you know about proper elephant ear plant care indoors. However, some people say that the different setting and surroundings would lead to different results. People also say that the problems happening to outdoor plants would be different from plants grown indoor.

Not Enough Water

As it was mentioned before, elephant ear plant is a tropical plant easily found in rainforests and in the wild. This plant is ideally grown outdoor; in the garden. Tropical areas get a lot of rainfall, meaning that the soil where elephant ear grows is often getting a lot of moisture. The plant loves moist soil. But if the plant is ‘drowned’ in water pool, the plant can die too. Basically, the plant needs the right amount of water – not too much, but not too little either.

The best solution for the indoor elephant ear plant problems is to make sure that the soil is moist. You can have the plant in a container or a pot. Check the soil constantly to see whether it is still moist or it has dried up. It would be handy if you can have a moisture meter. But if not, touching the soil alone can give you good idea about the moisture, although it can’t give you accurate info the humidity level. The soil should be damp, not soggy. If it is soggy, it means you overwater it. If it is dry, then you don’t water it enough.

Read: The Unique Nature of Elephant Ear Plant and How to Grow One

If the soil feels overly wet, don’t water it for several days. Wait until it is damp and provide enough liquid. You don’t want to drown your elephant ear because it can lead to fungus or mold growth. It can kill the plant too. If the soil feels dry, water it once and then recheck it every several hours. If the moisture is enough, you only need to water it the next day. But if it is dry again in several hours, then water it again. It would help if you can develop your own watering schedule. Learn more about drought or hot season, so you are sure that your elephant ear gets enough water.

Fungal Infection

One of the most common issues of the plant is the elephant ear fungus. One of them is the fungal leaf blight disease. The symptoms include tiny round lesions on the leaves, possibly oozing fluid and turning yellow (or purple) when dry. When the fungus has reached full bloom, you can see fuzzy growth too. Over time, the leaf would collapse and the disease would travel to the corm.

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