Can the Plant Produce Elephant Ear Plant Flower?

Elephant Ears with Flowers

As it was mentioned before, elephant ears are more popular for their leaves; not their flowers, especially the nice smelling flowers. But if you want to have a plant that looks like elephant ear and the plant is able to produce flowers, then you should probably choose Pigsqueak or Bergenia Cordifolia. This one is often called as elephant ears too. It grows in shady and damp surrounding, able to produce (tall) panicles of flowers in pink during spring time. The plant can grow to 2 feet in height, and it’s popular because of the vibrant color. When compared to elephant ears that grow in USDA (plant) hardiness zones of 8 to 11, the Pisqueak can be grown in zone 3 to 8.

The cultivars have various spring bloom colors. That’s why it is popular for the vibrant and bold colors. The Silver Light comes with white bloom, while Ballawlay has red flowers. The Evening Glows has magenta flowers. In general, though, the blooms are pink.

Blooming Time

The time for elephant ears plants to bloom is from spring to summer. They would have inconspicuous (green) flowers located on the long stalks. The elephant ear plant flower usually has some kind of modified spathe (leaf) covering the stalk, while the stalk themselves would comprise of tiny flowers clusters. Whether the plant would bloom or not depends on the growing conditions. If all the ideal requirements are met, the plant would likely produce flowers and bloom. That’s why it’s also possible for the plant not to bloom every year. After all, they have showy and unique leaves that would cover the lack of flowers up. So, the next time you see your elephant ear blooms, don’t be too surprised. It means that your plant is completely healthy, and all the requirements for maximum growth have been met.

What about elephant ear plant flower smell? Does it smell nice, foul, or not having any smell at all? Well, in general, elephant ear flowers have nice smell. Again, elephant ears are a part of Aroids (including anthurium, caladium, peace lily, Jack in the pulpit, and others) and these Aroids produces fragrance in order to attract beetles, flies, and other types of pollinators. Alocasia Odora is especially known for its very nice smell. If you are thinking about having elephant ear plants with nice fragrance, this one would be the ideal pick. However, you should also know that not all Aroids have nice smell. Some of them may produce rotten butter smell, while others may have dead meat smell. So, choose your elephant ears carefully.

Caring and Maintenance

If you want your elephant ears to bloom and have flowers, make sure that you have paid enough attention to the proper care. But be advised that the flowers may be concealed or hidden from view because of the leaves. But if you are willing to take the chances, be my guest.

Make sure that your plant gets enough nutrients. The soil should be rich and moist all the time. That’s why watering routine is also crucial. You don’t want to overwater your plants, but you don’t want to lack of water either. The plant also needs indirect and bright sunlight. It would be best if you can choose the proper location where it can get the needed warmth and light without getting it sunburn. Also choose a location that is protected from the wind, especially the strong ones. If you live in a windy area, this matter is crucial. Is you are able to do these things, you can expect elephant ear plant flower that may add the extra appeal to your landscape.

Read: How to Grow Elephant Ear Plant Indoors Successfully

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