Knowing the Best Time of When to Plant Elephant Ears Plant

You are probably interested in planning the elephant ear plant, but you are wondering when to plant elephant ears to ensure their best growth and maintenance. Most homeowners and gardeners would love having different kinds of greenery within their property. If they are able to combine various textures and different colors, imagine how catchy the landscape would be. The most attractive landscape would be the one that has various kinds of plants, flowers, and greenery types that makes the overall look complete.

What’s Special about Elephant Ear Plant?

So, what’s so special about the elephant ear plant, anyway? This is a foliage type that doesn’t bloom or produce flowers, but it has unique characteristic: It has big and wide leaves that can create tropical ambiance at home. Although it doesn’t bloom, the leaves are beautiful and lush, so it’s basically a good trade.

Whereas most people think that elephant ear plant only comes in one variant or type. However, there are several species of the plant – and all of them are known as elephant ear plants. These plants generally share a lot of commonalities. However, depending on the species or variant, these plants also have their own differences, although not too much. Make sure that you really know the variant that you choose. For instance, some Alocasias are toxic and dangerous for living creatures, including humans and animals. Some Calocasias are safe and even edible. Some elephant ear plants need direct and bright sun, while the others prefer partial shade, or even minimal light.

Because of these different traits, a lot of people think that elephant ear plants are pretty difficult (even tricky) to grow. In reality, it’s actually one of the most versatile plants. For beginners, it is also pretty easy. But then again, you need to know the exact variant or species so you won’t grow it wrong. It also goes with the matter of when to plant elephant ears and what should you do with it.

General Facts about Elephant Ear Plants

Before knowing when to plant elephant ears, it would be better if you can learn about the basic nature of the plants. As it was mentioned before, elephant ear is the ‘popular name’ for some herbaceous perennials groups. These groups are known for their large leaves in the form of arrowhead or heart. In general, they are native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia.

Two of the most common types are the Giant Elephant Ear (Alocasia Macrorrhizos) and Taro (Colocasia Esculenta). Both of them are parts of Araceae family. Although these plants don’t bloom, they are known for their big and wide leaves. If you have one at home, your property will have this tropical vibe which is great for attractive landscape. Taro usually grows up to 3 feet (6 feet are max) in height and width, with 2 feet long leaves. The Giant Elephant Ears can even grow taller; up to 15 feet. The leaves are generally wavy (on the edges), able to grow up to 6 feet of length and 4 feet of width.

Best Planting Time

One thing about when to plant elephant ears is to understand the nature of the plant itself. Elephant ear plants are native to tropical areas. Some even rare species can only be found in a particular area or country. Being a tropical plant means that these plants need constant moisture and humid environment. The best time to plant it? When there is no frost danger anymore.

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