Different Types and Elephant Ear Plant Varieties

When it comes to elephant ear plant varieties, this one has more than 200 different varieties – and some of the species is quite massive.

  1. Black Magic. This is quite unique, having blue-black leaves. The plant can even produce flowers (their colors would be red-orange) and it can reach 3 feet (5 feet, max) in height.
  2. Black stem is a type that prefers sunny but shaded spot. This one is easy to grow as long as it has enough moisture.
  3. Elena. This variant has olive green leaves, similar to Lime Zinger.
  4. Diamond Head. This type has luminous blue black leaves. The plant can grow up to 3 feet in height; 5 feet would be max. It needs full sun if you want to get the best color.
  5. Hawaiian Punch. This type is perfect for container grow. If you want to grow one indoor within containers, this can be an option. It can go up to 3 feet tall having lime green leaves and also dark red veins (on the backside).
  6. Colocasia Mojito. This one is definitely attention-grabbing. It can go up to 3 feet in height, but you need to place it in partial shade to grow well.
  7. Colocasia Esculenta or Taro. This one is popular in Asian dish and cuisines because both of the leaves and roots are safe and edible.
  8. Colocasia Coffee Cups. It has amazing and sparkling blue and gray leaves. The leaves are pointing upward, to the sky with round (from the base).


Caladium has arrow shape leaves, often with beautiful purple and green colors. This one is perfect for shady locations. This is one of the types that are perfect for containers and within indoor setting. The plant generally goes up to 3 feet tall, with the leaves reaching up to 12 inches. It has interesting varieties, such as:

  1. Iceberg. It comes with variegated leaves that can manage sun and shade quite well.
  2. Pink Symphony. It grows beautiful and delicate leaves that also love sun and shade quite much.
  3. Postman Joyner. The leaves are red with scarlet veins. It looks super stunning!
  4. Miss Muffet. It is the dwarf variant with translucent, paper thin, and beautiful leaves.
  5. Carolyn Whorton. It has green leaves with bright purple blotches.
  6. Rose Glow. This one is the best for shady areas. It has green leaves, along with pink and white foliage too.
  7. Candyland. It has pink dash on the leaves, with green borders
  8. Red Flash. The leaves are green and smoky with bright red flashes.


It’s one of the popular elephant ear plant varieties types that can be eaten because the roots and leaves are edible. The leaves are shiny with heart shape and blue green colors. It is best in indirect and bright sun. This one has 75 species, including:

  1. Lime Zinger. It has blue green leaves
  2. Mouse Cup Taro. The leaves are big and dark green with white variegation.
  3. Lindenii. This variant is beautiful, able to grow up to 20 inches in length with white silvery veins.
  4. Violaceum. It is often called Black Malanga and Blue Taro, having dark green and big leaves. The leaves are edible.
  5. Brasiliense. Known as Tannier Spinach, Tahitian Taro, or Tahitian Spinach, this one is edible. But it needs to be cooked first before you can consume it because it is rich in calcium oxalate.

Final Words

Keep in mind that different variants require different treatments. So, be sure to understand the elephant ear plant varieties of your choice before you buy them.

Related Article: What to Plant with Elephant Ears: All the Possible Companions

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